Not so much. I was fighting back tears the entire day. How traumatic would that be for a toddler? Your first visit to the zoo and your mom constantly bawls her eyes out. Poor Chloe, her mother is often a bowl of mush.
This is Alice, a thirty-something year old elephant. I know that she is treated well, but she just looked so sad. Her handlers were making her do tricks for treats, and all the kids loved it. I couldn't get past the bored look in her eyes. I have a lot of respect for elephants, they are very intelligent with complex social structures and behaviours.
The flamingos were by far my favorite. Their exhibit was pretty much cage free.
And of course the bean had a blast.
Hi Laura! Love the flamingo pic. Sorry the animals made you sad - I totally agree. Hope you are doing well. Suzanne
I have a hard time with the zoo also. The kids love it though but we rarely go. We do go to the aquariums where I don't get as upset, fish can't look as depressed for some reason.
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